AboutAstro Overview
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AboutAstro has 1.1 star rating based on 4 customer reviews. Consumers are mostly dissatisfied.
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Consumers are not pleased with Customer service and Discounts and Special Offers. The price level of this organization is high according to consumer reviews.
Media from reviews

Dear Sir,
how are you doing today and business? Its my friend gave me your contact and i will be very much happy to get good response from you regarding my carers,futures and my marriage life.
My name is Egewusi Emmanuel from Nigeria living in Bangladesh.
My age 07/05/1983
Things are very hard to my side since this years and i will like to know the problem and what to do next to open my doors and favor and am really want to marry and settle down and am very confused who to marry.
I wait for your feedback and i will be highly appreciate you.
Total Shameful Scam
There is nothing about the reports provided by this website that are valid & don't fall for the redirect from Cafe Astrology!! Celia, Jenna, whoever, total scam and this site is cheating people out of their money.
If anyone knows a way to recoup the money, please let everyone know. There is a way they get their link in when I applied to Cafe Astrology and did not realize I was being redirected, so please BEWARE!
They let you think you can communicate with them via email but you cannot. There are some good ones out there and LOTS of bad ones and SO sad they are linked to a good one...
- Beyond bad
Preferred solution: Full refund
Jenna@***.com is a fraud!
Jenna @***.com is a fraudulent astrologer. Jenna claims to give people personalized astrological insight. Well, she's a fraud!
This is what I wrote to her at her personal email ...
"I was extremely disappointed in my reading. This reading was exactly like a reading you sent to one of my girlfriends last week – tortoise story, meeting a guy on the Internet, stating a new job that will necessitate traveling overseas and a job which will have foreign contacts, etc. Thanks for nothing. Keep the $60. It appears you need the money more than I do. I'm sure you feel pretty good about herself right about now. Jenna, you have no soul; no integrity; no ethics!"
Purchaser beware of Jenna@***.com
ASTRO RIP OFF AKA.. astro-requests.com SCAM!!!...
Absolute TOTAL ***! scam! Rip off! And disgustingly Priced at £79+ for a so called detailed personal Reading that is merely a Template of the same long..long.....longggg... Load of old cod's wallop!!
The typo's are cringy and stand out like a sore thumb amongst all that JARGON I actually thought at first read SOOO spot on I got chill's.... typo 1 forgiven..2? Really? ... 3rd *** typo made me check the review's about this rather convincing SCAM! and also prompted me to play the same game! :P
Using my own email with my own name but using my sister's correct detail's like date of birth etc.. This silly woman sent out the exact same Long winded Rubbish I received just 2 day's before!! The only difference was of course the star sign and the first name ...Then I realised the Emails I got were all sent between 7am to 8am??.. Hmm ..Just before the standard school run? .. before work? ..
Then the repetitive emails that follow just prove that This woman Victoria (Is that photo really victoria?) Is willing to Rob vulnerable people from all over the world without a care??... THE PRICE IS just under £100( £79+) :O :O I could over look £20? £30 would be pushing it BUT 100 smacker's .. Then the Small print way down the bottom .. Give's a brief (back covering) FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!!!... I say get this Out and share your Unfortunate dealing's with as many ppl you can!! I hope Karma bring's a swift end to this vile scam ASAP!!.. GRRRR Rant over .. :) .. Thank *** yeh? lol .. :D xx
Preferred solution: Make as many people aware of the serious scale of this scam
Jenna the backstabbing new
Here is is! Your personal 2012 Reading! I am delighted to accompany you this year as I have discovered a REMARKABLE event that is going to transform your immediate future!
So let me get started. This year is very important for you. 2012 is a very INTENSE year and you will need to make some choices that will mark a RADICAL turning point in your life Jackie. Before I go any further and before I reveal these changes for you Jackie I would like to give you a global vision of what is to come. The coming period will be marked by HUNDREDS of planetary movements. One of the most important ones coming up is the Neptune/Venus Retrograde, this is why you are feeling something now which you can't quite explain.
I have so much that I want to tell you Jackie and that is why I need you so read through this WHOLE READING so you will understand completely my dear, you'll get to grips with what is happening to you and why!
Wow, such a number of powerful movements! And amongst all these movements there is ONE which will be very, very important for you Jackie because it will affect you directly and personally. This is THE Transit which will explain WHY 2012 WILL MARK A TURNING POINT IN YOUR LIFE and it will be at the root of all these changes I have been telling you about. I know that you have felt that these changes are just around the corner Jackie, I know what you are going through and I know what you hope for your future and I know that you both want, need and deserve these changes. Your 6th sense has been ringing recently and it's not let you down, changes are on their way and here is what I have found out about your Year and about this powerful Transit which will soon occur.
There is strong evidence of a major Transit (a rare planetary motion) that will occur in your astral sky over July, August and September 2012.
This Transit will be a very favorable period and will have many positive repercussions notably as far as your love life is concerned but also from a material point of view and for the realization of a project that you have had in mind for a long time now. In what follows I will give you all the details about this Transit, I will discuss your current situation and the rest of the year 2012. I will also study your personality and your Past, giving you details which only you could have known about yourself. Finally I will talk about the exciting events which will occur and you can look forward too, which is important for you because you are going to meet a person who will play a very important role in your life.
Firstly, you need to understand what a transit is. Astrological Transits are rare and mark opportunities and can be defined as a planet moving over a sensitive point on your chart, this marks an important periods of change. The key word being 'sensitive' here, I need you to know that this astrological transit is a situation that needs to be handled with a great deal of attention. Transits can have positive repercussions or can reinforce your weak points, preventing growth and impeding your progress, if an individual isn't fully aware of the Transit's influence.
Before providing you with any details about your future, I want to tell you how I worked on your analysis because I am used to being very accurate in my predictions and do not take my work lightly. I worked from your date of birth, 5 December 1984, your astrological sign, Sagittarius (which is on 2012's honors list!) and because you are Sagittarius I also used your principal Decan 2nd decan. These elements have enabled me to draw you a map of your astral sky Jackie, which is totally unique and very personal.
I also took into consideration the epistemological origins of your first name Jackie because this provides additional information about your character, as you should know that your first name was not chosen entirely by chance. It enabled me to complete your analysis with a Numerological analysis. As a matter of fact, your first name is composed of 6 letters and this enables me to combine your date of birth 5 December 1984 and Zodiac sign Sagittarius to learn a lot about you from a numerological perspective. For example I have discovered that your trace number is 4 Jackie I should just mention at this point that this is not just a random number, if you look back at your life you will soon see that this number has touched your life several times.
I guided my work and my research using the waves, vibrations and insightful flashes that I felt when I started your analysis. It allowed me to determine the precise direction that I should work in and it was these 'flashes' which prompted me to analyze your past because I perceived that you have a number of personal blockages Jackie. I realized that something had happened to you around the year 2001 when you were 17 or 18 years old that created the stumbling blocks that you encountered later in your life and you still suffer the consequences today. Rest assured that these blockages are not irreversible, you'll be able to get rid of them and we'll work towards that together. The visions and vibrations I felt about you Jackie also showed me that you are now in a phase of indecision, you have a number of choices available to you concerning the recent difficulties you have encountered and it is time for you to come to terms with this and make the right decision.
I can very clearly see the intervention of a certain individual who has slowed you down and prevented you from moving on in your life and still has some influence over you. Again there is nothing irreversible, it is simply very important that you make the most of the Transit which is set to occur in just a few weeks times to remove these blockages. The visions that I had on this subject are very clear and they show that you will soon reach a positive turning point in your life, which is why I'm so pleased to be able to give you the exciting news I have for you. Before leaving the subject of these visions about you Jackie, I want to tell you that I felt a lot of very positive things about your personality and your character, you have great qualities and I am proud that you accept to trust me because you are a very good person Jackie.
You may be wondering about these visions Jackie. So let me just take a minute to explain them. You should know that these visions are entirely rational, there is nothing supernatural or mystic about them, on the contrary it is something very natural, since they represent an exchange of energy. In Nature everything is an exchange of energy, either physical and tangible or intangible as this particular case. It is not because we cannot see these cosmic waves that they do not exist, we can't see radio, telephone, electricity or television signals either. Cosmic waves are a source of energy, the most powerful energy that exists, we call them how we like; cosmic waves, astral fluids, 6th sense, premonitions, insights... No matter how they are called, they exist and the animals are born knowing how to use them. We lost this ability and the work of professional like me is to learn a control the interpretation of these energies over years of hard work and experience. We are all born with different innate capacities and certain of us are more sensitive to these forces and I am fortunate to have been born with strengths which I have built on.
You know what? I think you also have certain capabilities in this area Jackie and I'd love to help you to develop these capacities if you wish. At the moment you are tuning in to these forces unconsciously, without really being able to explain what you feel. For example you know that changes will soon happen in your life, you do not know what when or how but you feel that things will change soon and you also feel that a very precise and important event will happen. You're quite right about these events, events which will directly concern your love life and financial situation. These events are set to occur during the Transit that I have told you about (I will go into a little more detail about this Transit in just a couple of minutes...)
I'll even go further and say that these insights that you had led you to me and to my website (you could have come across a completely different astrologer and I am not the only one qualified to guide you but I appreciate the confidence your subconscious had in me). I don't believe in luck Jackie. Events occur because they are derived from a cause, and if you asked me for this personal analysis then it is precisely because you feel the need to know exactly WHAT WILL SOON HAPPEN TO YOU and what these changes are that, the changes you have recently had inklings about.
I told you that there is strong evidence that you will be UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF AN ASTROLOGICAL TRANSIT WHICH WILL LAST 88 DAYS. Let's get down to straight facts. The changes which your Transit will bring directly concern your financial situation and you will be able to :
reach a decisive turning point in your career and
And they will also have an impact on your love-life, you will :
complete a project which you care a lot about by using a sum of money which you did not expect to have
But that's not all, your work is important to you and you will be offered an opportunity at some point during this period. You will meet someone and they will offer you something, you may feel a little taken back by it but you need to think about it deeply and you also need to consult someone who you trust. This can be fruitful for your future and a very rewarding step.
So, this period will also bring you an important and unexpected financial opportunity Jackie which will result in a considerable evolutionary leap in your life in 2012, which is why I mentioned "˜will mark a decisive turning point"˜. Again, as we are talking about finance here, all details around this aspect require a lot of concentration on my part so that I can give you exactly details. I know this will be important to you and your family so care needs to be taken. I would not go saying anything about this just yet, details need to be confirmed as to When? and Where?
I'd also like to mention that depending on what happens in the next few months will have consequences to the future, in terms of projects, travel and acquiring of wealth. As this is the time for some important decisions to me made by you. This is something we can work on together and review so that you make the right choices for you.
So to sum up Jackie, going into 2012, you will feel the extraordinary planetary effervescence and in my 25 years of experience I think I have never seen such strong and intense planetary movements. These movements will affect some of us more than others Jackie and you will be in the thick of it which is precisely why you should not miss your chance. I really want you to realize just how exciting this Transit is, the 88 days between the months of July, August and September 2012, these really will be some of the most exciting days of your life so far. You should also come to terms with the fact that the changes that will happen for you NOW will have repercussions far beyond this current year, repercussions that will be felt until also in 2013.
You are quite lucky that the transit has appeared now, this will allow you to take full advantage of the rest of 2012. I have sensed that the truth is going to be exposed and this will be a period where you should be working on making these better in your life, there is a hidden meaning behind what is happening in you life now, what has happened to you (I saw this) and what will take place going forward. The speed at which this transition is going to happen is going to be so fast and powerful, that you will find it hard to change your reality if not informed or guided correctly. Aligning your thoughts and actions to this transit will inspire the positive changes of this period. The more power you give this transit, the more power you can give to your reality and the changes that you will soon experience. Take this as a sign that I will help you move from the darkest to an ear of light. This is your future and it has now become important to me as well, Jackie. After completing this analysis for you, I know that with all the information I provide, the information based on this transit I hand over to you, and whatever information there is to act on, you will trust that is will make prefect sense afterwards and you will also feel it.
It's interesting because there have been some Transits that you have not been aware of either because you were not warned in time or because you were not ready. Which makes me strongly believe that is why you unconsciously came to my site. This means there have been some moments in your life when astral influence has been at it's highest peak in your astrological configuration and when you did not take full advantage of the opportunities that were available to you. I sensed a particular Transit that occurred for you in 2008, which you missed entirely. Missing out on this opportunity completely and this pushed your progression back somewhat, you stumbled and you found your way blocked and progression has since been difficult.
Now based on this, I DO NOT want you missing out again Jackie, this Transit that will soon occur in your sky makes me strongly believe that you are one of those fortunate people and in some ways have paid for it by karma. In your case, this transit expands knowledge and will give you a better understanding of what is going on in your mind and life. So you need to take the time to PREPARE for it. You have to think of it as A NEW CYCLE in your life. Your involvement is crucial here and the decision that you make around this period , the choices you make, will EFFECT you not just now but over a longer period. The important thing here Jackie is for you to anticipate when this Transit will pass in your sky and how it will affect you.
If you came to my site and if you have now received this analysis from me then chance plays a very small role indeed. None of this is an accident. I believe that you knew that an important time was soon to come in your life and this is why you requested my guidance. My role is now clear, I must accompany you, guide you, advise you and give you all the information you will need to take full advantage of this Transit. This is the mission which I have set myself, I want you to be able to get the very best out of this Transit and I need to give you the precise dates and times when you should act so that you know what to do to seize the opportunities that this Transit will bring you. You need to know who the important people in your life are, you need to know which people you should avoid and you need to know how to avoid the pitfalls that may thwart you and get in your way. However I can't impose myself on you, only you can make the decision to accept my help.
If you want me to provide all the information you need, then we need to act quickly Jackie. You must be ready in time. I need to spend longer on your analysis and I need to pinpoint all the important dates of this Transit, to be able to tell you when and how you need to act, why and when you can expect the results you need in your life. I must work in detail on your case and so I have set up a page for you which you can use to send me your authorization and to give me the green light. On this page I also tell you in detail exactly everything which I will work on for you. As soon as I get your go-ahead on this page then I will get straight to work:
Jackie, here is the link to your personal request page
I know that you are 'praying for that break' and the fact that this Transit will be appearing in your sky now gives you options. I'm confident it will make your life comfortable and tell you when all the problems will end. I know you will have questions! You know that all aspects of your life reflect on each other, so once you have a clearer picture from a more detailed analysis I will welcome the questions you have and we can discuss them together. The only effort I am asking you to make right now Jackie is to give me the green light and to believe deeply in the change that lies in store for you. And that's it. Nothing more. Simply click on the link I have given you and let's get going!
I really want you to understand Jackie the closeness I felt to you when I was working on your analysis. It is through the vibrations that I told you about that I was able to experience many things about you Jackie and I know how you feel right now, I can foresee that as I write these lines you have not yet read all of the analysis I have done for you. You seem to be torn. You want these events that I've talked to happen, you want to live through this powerful Transit, because you need change, fresh air and renewal, and so you want to believe in all that I told you but at the same time you are trying to put up barriers (the same kind of barriers you have put up in the past as I mentioned, we need to work on this together so that you can leap over them!) and you are slamming on the brakes, bringing up the doubts and uncertainties that have so often haunted you in the past. You tell yourself that it's too good to be true, you want to see it to believe it and you say that these opportunities are not for you, they must be for someone else. It is time to put a stop to all this Jackie, it is time to take charge of your destiny and I'm here to help you and convince you, and I'll keep going to the end of my mission as long as you give me your permission to do so, because remember that ultimately only your free will counts and it's you who decides! I want to convince you to take your own destiny in hand and to let me guide you through this step. Why me? Simply because I know I can help you Jackie, I see, I feel it and again I know I have not been placed by accident on your path, as I said before I believe very little in chance. Allow me to explain more precisely what I feel about you Jackie, why I had such a strong connection with you from the beginning and what I perceive about your needs, goals and what you are searching for.
You are very aware of the fact that you are in one of the most exciting and energizing phases of your life. I know that you are currently examining the goals in your life, you have already achieved a great many things but you still have many other goals to accomplish most particularly on a financial and professional level. I also feel that you have a desire to explore new horizons and to travel. This is something which you have not had a lot of time to do as of yet. In a more general manner I see in you a great deal of qualities as even if you have gone through some major changes in your life, you still tend to be sensitive to the needs of other people and often put other people's needs ahead of their own (especially those of their family and close friends).
Yes I can certainly say that you get personal satisfaction from helping others even if sometimes take on too much responsibilities and even if you know that you are not always appreciated. Although you don't always consciously admit this, deep down inside, you need the respect and admiration of others. You are also perceptive about people and you have an unusually strong intuition. Being in touch with this power may be one of the reasons why you are drawn to astrology readings. There is a very strong aura around you and an energy that is truly powerful. I am sensing vibrations from you which are much more intense than those i experience with most clients. In fact you have more talents than you credit yourself with, as deep within yourself, you are aware that you have been given certain talents, very special talents, unique only to you. While you have known of these abilities, you haven't fully acted on them up to now have you ? I can also see that you have very strong values and a definite sense of right and wrong. In these days of questionable characters, you feel grounded by your strong values. It is also for this reason that I feel very close to you. A large part of these values of yours have been forged through the experiences you have had in life and have made you a bit more perspective than most . You are wise beyond your years in many ways.
It is because of all these things that I feel about you Jackie that I really hope you make the most of this Transit that will occur in just a few weeks time, I know I'm repeating myself on this subject but the biggest danger of all is that you do not act Jackie, for the opportunities ARE on their way and there is no doubt about that. The stars show this very clearly. Do not let yourself be overwhelmed by doubt and all the questions you ask... act now. You should also come to terms with the fact that the changes that will happen for you now will have repercussions far beyond this year, repercussions that will reach into 2012 as I keep mentioning but also into the rest of your life.
I want you to understand Jackie, that there are no obstacles to your happiness and you deserve it the very best in life. Get yourself ready to grab all of the opportunities which are set to come your way, cast aside the barriers you so often set up for yourself. Just as soon as you have clicked on the link below and send me your authorization, I will be able to get to work for you and help to guide you through the whole of this new period in your life. I'll be able to send you all the detailed information you will need to move forward with strength and assurance.
Jackie, here is the link to your personal request page
Of course, I cannot say that Astrology is the remedy for all ills and to put the record straight, I would even say that Astrology is not an exact science. Astrology is a reflection of what is earthly and human so how can it be 100% exact? To look for God or the Universe through Astrology is pretentious. Looking for absolute certainty is even more pretentious. What is needed is simply the best use of Astrology's constructive power. Astrology has existed since time immemorial and it is a completely natural science which ultimately a detailed study of natural phenomena which recognizes that the planets and their movements influence the life of every living being and play a role in the unfolding of human life. In my experience, Astrology is 80% correct on average and can go up to 90% when the planetary movements that will affect a person are powerful. To be honest this is the case for your configuration Jackie.
So there you are Jackie, I've sent you the results of my first study, I know and I hope you also realize, that it is important not to stop here and that this first study is only an introduction that has allowed you to understand that you are at the dawn of a radical age in your life. There is still a great deal to do and we must not lose any more time. All I need is your green light and I will then take care of the rest.
As far as I am concerned I feel some very positive things about you Jackie, I want you to know that I am at your side for any help or any advice, and even if you prefer to work with another astrologer to determine all the details you need to get the best out of your Transit. Whether I or another professional astrologer works with you about this period really isn't that important, what is important is that someone competent guides you through this Transit. In any case, I'll always be on your side and from now on you can count me as a friend and confidant. I am proud to have met you and I hope we can move forward as quickly as possible because I really want to help you change your life for the better, lets get to work together now.
Your friend and your professional astrologer
Look familiar? Seems its the same free email to all with just different names snd years! I hope you have read these complaints before you handed money to this scam.
I accidentally bought her reading twice..
I accidentally bought her reading twice with in the same week and she gave me two different foretellings...
my twelve month forecast where completely different and i tried messaging her several times about me making two payments she never replied, This is to me partly a scam its like a cookie cutter template but you do get accurate horoscope reading so she did not lie about that. She keeps sending me several messages wanting me to pay more for her other readings, i am done writing now so now i gotta put some filler words here in order to summit.
Preferred solution: Full refund
Astrology Reading Review
I had my 12 months reading from her and it turned out to be same readings every 3months. Cheating!!
There is no way to access her website after purchase... scam
AboutAstro - Astrology Reading Review from London, London
I am feeling such an *** just wish id seen these reports first. Ive also just paid for the second reading and once my payment was taken, did not receive the reading nor hear from dear jenna again.
Despite emailing her various addresses, several times, unsurprisingly i suppose, she has not responded.
Whilst i shouldnt have been so *** to believe all her words, she should be ashamed at preying on and taking money from vulnerable people like me who believe in astrology and are hoping for things to happen in their life. I shall seek advice on who to report her to in order to try and put a stop to her making money out of any more people in this way.
Personalized Reading Review
Yes she is a scam! I didn't even receive my $65 personalized in depth reading.
No replies whatsoever once she received my $. Don't trust her!
AboutAstro - Astrology Reading Review from Lagos, Lagos
I nearly made a life time mistake by buying her 2nd reading, mine happened just last night after she constantly begged me to allow her do my reading. I gave her the details of my credit card that was before I goggled her and saw all those comments and I said to my self am ***.
I quickly went to a nearby ATM machine and withdrew all my money. Tommorrow I will go and cancel my card. In the morning I got a message from Her that my card couldn't work that I should pay thru other means which she gave me their options. I got a bank message that my transction can't go on cause of insufficient funds.
Thank you all for these messages. Godbless.
Let's us all take each day as we see it. Leave all for the giver of life who knows our begining and our end
Astro Reading Review
This lady I found for fun I relised strait away that sheis a scammer it wos supposed to be a free reading then she drops on the line of muny I then new she wos not genuine thank yu lynn lucas be warned of her kind regards lynn
Jenna - fake astrologist
I also was contacted a few times by Jenna, and never paid any money, but did get pages of information which seemed very close to what I was dealing with in my life at the time. This time, I googled again and saw that this was a scam and responded accordingly.
"You have sent this to me twice and I have done some research on you and know this is a scam, please do not contact me anymore.
I will be sending a copy of this to the authorities. Shame on you for trying to get money from vulnerable people."
Horoscope Overcharge Review
I asked for a horoscope in nov. 2013 and pays 80$, again " Jenna " offered a " special summer reading " for 49$.
With the same " methods" customers wrote above!
Nothing happened, but my money disappeared!!
Please block her website she is a thief!
Review about Personal Information
I don't ever remember to site and asking her for info and I don't know how she got my personal information
Jenna the astrologer is a scam
Jenna is a scam i did her site just for fun and she was constantly emailing me that i was going to miss a very important transit period in my life and i needed a full reading(for $60 of course).Just to see what find of scam she was running i went to her site again with new name and different email address to see what she would say.She didn't even change any of the content she sent my other email,the only thing different was my fake name.I hope she reads all of these reviews,she is a thoughtless money hungry FRAUD.I am so glad she didn't get any of my hard earned money.
Jenna - My $80"detailed horoscope"
I found her website by just searching in google.And yes, what Jenna is saying is ABSOLUTELY right: Everything happens for reason.What the "Jenna Team" is doing to people will not go unpunished. So.., hey, you do not worry about her. "Jenna & Co" is loading themselves with so much negative karma.., I feel bad for them..:)If you are reading this you know this is true.
My story:
I ordered the initial FREE horoscope. And.., you will not be surprised much here: I got the "automated response system" template answer. I am sure they have number of templates available.It seemed interesting, so I paid the $80 for the "detailed personal horoscope".In 3 days I got it.After reading through it and analyzing it, I felt something was not right.I am not saying that astrology does not help, or work. Quite the opposite. But Astrology is just a tool which can give you some short cut solutions, and point you in the right direction. And when that tool falls in the hands of some "evil" people.., you see the result.So…, I wrote back to Jenna, I asked if she/he is sure of the predictions made, and just to double check again.I wrote to "Jenna" 3 times, and every time I got 3 automated responses with request for payment. I can tell you one thing: Whoever is behind that scheme, they are pretty good at it..:)Here is the $80 "detailed report" bellow:
"Jenna Detailed Report"=====================================================Your Transit period will run from the 25 December 2012 until 23 March 2013 and during this exceptionnally favorable astrological configuration certain dates and periods stand out very strongly, here they are below:
- 2 January 2013 until 14 January 2013 with two particularly important key dates, the 6 January 2013 and 9 January 2013
- 20 January 2013 to the 25 January 2013 with a strongly influential moment on this particular day, the 27 January 2013
These dates and periods occur within the time-span of your favorable Transit period however and represent particularly favorable days or periods however do not forget that ALL the dates of this period will influence you positively in one way or another and I will be talking more about this to you below in the rest of my Reading for you. The end of the period, between the last of the dates above and the end of the Transit 23 March 2013 is also very important as it is at this time that you will put your plans and actions firmly in place and you will start to feel the very postive impacts of this unique Transit.
The most Intense Transit periods
This Transit will mark a radical change in your life because it will allow you to reach a new cap in your professional career and in your life in general. The situation will completely change in comparison to the previous few months when your astral climate wasn't as favorable. Above all this Transit will mark an important professional opportunity. This will allow you to begin an entirely new cycle. Our lives, and also the lives of all the beings which surround us, react and respond to the notion of a cycle: the rotation of the planets, the seasons, the cycles of life itself... throughout our lives we pass through different phases or cycles. As far as you are concerned your configuration shows quite clearly that over the preceding months you have found yourself in a cycle which has blocked your actions and placed you in a particularly unfavorable ambiance, one which has not helped you to develop, evolve or progress in any way whatsoever. This is why you have felt that things have not been organized exactly as you would have wanted and you have encountered a number of problems recently. This new Transit will sweep away such problems and will mark the start of a brand-new period for you in your life. The changes will center around your professional activity and you will encounter most of these changes between the 2 January 2013 and the 14 January 2013 and also during certain key dates during this period, the 6 January 2013 and 9 January 2013. To get the most out of the opportunities which this period is going to bring you one element is very important, you need to act and I will not stop repeating this throughout your reading as it is so essential to your success. You must act and you are the master of your own destiny.
I can give you the most important moments and the counsel you should follow, the attitudes you should adopt and the pitfalls you should avoid but in the end your life is your own and you need to start shaping the dough yourself, you must work to harvest the fruits of your labors and these dates which I have given you (the 2 January 2013and the 14 January 2013 and also the key dates 6 January 2013 and 9 January 2013) indicate the period when you should get to work in this sense. You need to follow my advice carefully and pay great attention to the wealth of information I am going to give you. You should start preparing yourself now to seize this important job opportunity when it comes to you. To prepare for this Transit here are the different stages which will be essential. I will then tell you the dates of this Transit and more precise information about this job.
1) First of all it is important that you get to grips with yourself.
I know that you have the tendency to tell yourself that it is not really worth it and that you already know yourself very well. Well allow me to tell you that this is not entirely correct. Most people don't analyze themselves at all, thinking that they know themselves very well. However I have looked at your astral configuration and during my analysis I noticed that you are far from mastering your full resources, you even have certain capacities which you are not even aware of yet. All through this reading which you will find below I will repeat again and again that you are greater than you believe yourself to be and that you are far from being able to use all of your capacities and this is a waste in many ways. This is why I produced a supplementary analysis for you which I give you with this reading; it is a natal and character report which will allow you to come to terms with yourself. You can find this document as an attachment to this letter and I will tell you more about it further on.
2) Start changing your mind-set.
I know very well what you are feeling at the moment and the anxiety which you have about your profession, I can see all this very clearly through the vibrations which I have felt about you from the beginning and also through your astral configuration where I can see your current emotional state. I want you to be able to change this state as soon as possible and I will tell you more about how to achieve this in the following few paragraphs. You should be aware that you are living through a very important and unique moment in your life, the dates which I have given you and the Transit period which will soon occur represent a golden opportunity to reach harmony and success on a professional and financial level. You can have full confidence in your destiny and you can invest yourself completely in it. In short this signifies that it is important that you adopt a new mind-set as quickly as possible, one which is a lot more positive than usual. I will tell you more about this later.
3) Get out of the 'what should I do?' frame of mind.
The reason I know in which state you find yourself at this time is because I sense a great deal of doubts and uncertainties within you, a little as if you are going through a tunnel which you cannot see the end of. This is what generates the hesitation you feel, the perplexity and the questions you ask yourself. The negative side to all this is that you spread out your efforts too much, you have tried a number of different paths even if certain of these trials haven't been to your liking but you have been unable to settle for just one true direction. This is happening right when it shouldn't, you now need to concentrate your efforts and your skills. Once again, I am insisting so much on this aspect of your past and your future because this 'butterfly-light' touch on many areas of your life is causing you to loose your way. You have already experienced the kind of feeling that is associated with this drift, you have already felt unsure of your true capacities, of what you really want.
This is why we must first of all, you and me, act to put your onto the right track and in the right frame of mind. As a matter of fact, it is time to change this frame of mind now because if you don't then it could stop you from progressing as you will not be able to avoid having negative thoughts about yourself and everything going on around you. You will waste your energy as you are likely to start certain tasks which you will never finish. For the time being this type of reaction is normal as you haven't yet really set your mind on what you are going to do and you are not yet 100% sure of what you have set out to do. Everything you have started to do already, for example, is already tainted by this chronic lack of conviction. I know that you have recently met a few people who have been touched and convinced by your ambition but unfortunately this has led nowhere for you. Don't regret anything however, you haven't missed out on anything yet and I want you to be perfectly ready when the great moment comes around
To get out of this frame of mind, you first need to recognize that you are in this state and then you need to ask yourself about something which is going to be very important during this Transit as it will guide your research: You should concentrate your efforts on responding to the question « what would make me really happy? »
3) Come to terms with yourself and understand your tastes and goals
This is a fundamental stage because from an astrological point of view it appears quite clearly that the job which you will obtain will have something to do with an issue which touches you deeply and which you appreciate greatly. In your configuration I can see a great deal of personal growth in the future.
You need to avoid missing out on the opportunity of seizing this job and it will be indispensable that your orient yourself towards the correct paths and it this direction that you must decide upon immediately. The choice will be instinctive, you will simply 'feel' which direction you should go in. I can see in your configuration that someone close to you is going to help you with this, it seems to be an older man who will play this important role and who will help you to come to terms with yourself. This individual is going to help you discover your true aspirations and desires for yourself and it is important that you start this personal assessment as soon as is possible.
For this the best method seems to be to ask people around you which area you are best in or in which domain you could excel. As I said, the moment of inspiration will come from someone else, someone close to you will set you on a path which will be very important later on. You are going to have to go about finding this person and this path in a very particular way, you are going to have to get closer to your friends, colleagues and family so that you can ask for their opinion about you. It is important that you receive objective opinions from these people however in your case I know that if you ask questions such as « what do you think about me? » then you will never get the response you are looking for as the subject is just too wide. It would be better for you to ask « do you not think I lack perseverance? » or ask questions about your tastes and preferences and then ask further questions about why you were given such a response. Be careful about what questions you do ask however. For example if you ask a question along the lines of « I find that I am very vaporizing, what do you think » it will be more difficult for the person in front of you to give an opposing opinion and you may miss out on getting the honest opinion that you really need. I am speaking to you about this because I can quite clearly see that a discussion with someone close to you will allow you to have a sudden moment of inspiration. This moment will help you to realize what your real desires, your full qualities and you will be able to orient yourself towards the job offers which best correspond to your aspirations. You will thus be going in just the right direction to get the job you want, need and can get.
4) To prepare yourself for this period you need a good rhythm of work and research.
This is an important part of your preparation and you should take up this rhythm as soon as your Transit period begins. As I have already told you, you need to be active because even if the stars do place you in a very favorable position indeed you will need to react well during this period. It is also indispensable that you pick up a much stricter research rhythm. I know that for the over the past few weeks you have let yourself slide a bit, this isn't too serious really as you needed a break to gather your strength and resources but the time has now come for you to act.
I took a long time to analyze your character and your situation and I am perfectly in tune with what you are feeling right now. Your astral configuration has given me a lot of information which I am going to tell you now, some of the details may seem a little puerile but is important that you follow my advice to the letter.
The first point I want to make is that you should start setting your alarm clock early and get up as if you were heading straight to your workplace. But to get up early and get ready doesn't mean to remain dressed in casual wear just because you don't actually have a meeting yet! Quite the contrary you should slip into something a little more classy, not necessarily a three piece suit but something which gives you the dynamic aura you will need. The image you portray is very important both for your personal confidence and for the impression you give to all the people you bump into during the day.
After breakfast you will start looking at your emails, your post and your agenda. Take careful note of the dates of your Transit and the time which remains before it begins. You will now be ready to start your morning tasks. During 3 hours you are going to begin what is called targeting research. If you have an interview to prepare or a letter of motivation to write then you should do it during this time. I can see in your astral configuration that you will find the advert about your new job during a morning. I will tell you in the following chapters of this reading exactly how you should orient yourself.
The afternoon will be your moment for action. This is the period of your day when you should be very active and when you should depose your job applications in different places. I will come back to this point shortly. You should also make the most of this moment to contact people by telephone as I can also see in your astral configuration that some very positive repercussions will arise from a phone call you will make or receive in the middle of the day.
You can use the rest of the day to enjoy yourself, this notion of pleasure is very important as it will help you to maintain your research.
6)The politics of volume make a great number of contacts.
There is no doubt as far as you are concerned, this is the winning tactic. What this means is that I can see that a large number of contacts is going to be important for you. The solution for you is quite clearly to explore a great deal of different paths and to apply a politic of volume, which means that you should prepare yourself on many different levels, before your transit and then once this period begins and it is essential that you multiply the number of leads you follow during the time between the dates which I mentioned above and which I will put for you again further on. It is important that I am very clear with you about this. You will not get this new job during the period which I have indicated to you however it is during this time that you will make the decisive contact which will lead you to your job opportunity. In other words, it is because you are very active during this period that you will respond to the right advert, the one that will take you to your future job. Things will then settle into place little by little. So in conclusion I can say that you must be very active during this period, respond to all the offers which interest you and trust your instinct. Above all however you must be active as in the weeks following this period you will receive a response in relation to what you do during this Transit. Don't worry too much about where you will find this job offer because if you remain active during this period the astral bodies will do the rest and will push you in the right direction. You simply need to respond to each and every offer which appeals to you and interests you, follow your heart and your unique configuration will do the rest.
8)The most important dates
I have already given you these dates but they are fundamental as these are the dates during which you should be active so here they are again:
from the 2 January 2013 to 14 January 2013 and the key dates during this period, the 6 January 2013 and 9 January 2013
During these dates your astral configuration will be at it's most powerful and will act in the very best manner for your professional future. These dates will mark a decisive turning point for you as it is during these dates that you will respond to the advert which will bring you your future job even if you do not know it yet.
9) When you find this job, here is how events will then unfold
It is important that you understand the chronology of events so that you know exactly what you can expect and when.
From a chronological point of view I am going to set out a little summary:
-First of all it will be important that you prepare yourself before this Transit and to do this you should use the elements which I have given you above; your natal report and the advice which your friends and family can offer you. This preparation is more important than you may believe and it will largely determine the extent of your success.
-From the moment when your Transit will have begun, two dates will be extremely important: These are the 6 January 2013 and 9 January 2013. During these dates you must be very active and that will be enough! As a matter of fact, during these dates your astral configuration will be very favorable on a professional level and the planetary influence upon you may be very strong at times. Simply being very active will be enough as the astral bodies will guide you and put you on the right path. This may seem a little difficult to understand or even to believe but it is exactly what some people call hazard, chance or destiny. We could also describe this in other words and say that this effect is the result of a very beneficial planetary configuration. However I want to be very clear about something, you won't get the job you are looking for during this period and you won't get any confirmation about this job then either but it is during this period that you will respond to an advertisement about this job and it is this key moment that will start off all of the other events.
-Then during the weeks following this Transit you will receive a certain number of positive responses. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact day astrologically quite simply because I can see that the response you are seeking will develop over a certain period of time and a certain number of stages. You will have several meetings and interviews and will exchange several letters with the people who offer your job. You will see that things will work themselves out little by little.
11) Here is what I see about your job
The first things which stands out clearly about this job is the notion of growth and harmony. This job entails an activity which will really allow you to grow and develop in a number of different domains and I can read this very clearly in your astral skies. This growth will not occur uniquely on the level of your professional career but also within the sphere of your personal finances. There is certainly a link with your future job because it is this job that will allow you to obtain a significant revenue and establish a very comfortable lifestyle. In a more general manner this job will bring you many pleasures in many different areas of your life which is why I mention the notion of personal growth; this is something which appears startlingly clearly in your future astral configuration.
I must mention at this points another very strong impression which I have had concerning this job and you future and this is the impression that you will develop a strong relationship with foreign contacts. I will try and be as precise as possible about this and tell you that this foreign connection will be very important for you 'later on' in your new career. It isn't an element which appears in your immediate future but it does appear later in time as an important, beneficial and significant evolution in the demands and requirements of your future job. I can see a notion of foreign travel and I would suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to acquainted with a different culture.
The more this job evolves, the more often you will be required to be in contact with people from other countries and cultures and I can also see that you will have to travel abroad or at least move regularly away from your usual workplace. At any rate what comes out of my analysis is that the evolution of your job will take this direction towards foreign relationships.
A number of new people will work with and support you in your new job and it is very clear to me that these people will have a great deal of respect for you as they will recognize your true qualities. This will not of course happen immediately and you may even ask yourself a number of questions about certain people who first seem to be very cold with you. This initial impression may come from the fact that these people have a false image of you (this is why you should pay great attention to the natal study which I have attached to this letter as you need to understand exactly how others perceive you to be. There seems to be a certain difference between their image of your character and how you truly are) but you will be able to quickly prove your true competences and their vision of you will slowly change. I can even tell you that you are going to be recognized for your skills and this is one of the main reasons why your job will bring you such profound personal growth as you will be happy that your talents and great personal qualities are finally valued as they should be. You will be able to put all your skills to the test through this job.
I foresee a period which will be slightly slack for you, about 15 months after this job will have started for you. This period will make you a little less enthusiastic about your new job but don't worry it won't last for long (as a matter of fact this slack period is in correlation with a planetary Transit which is set to be a little less favorable on a professional level and which begins in just 15 months time.). Don't worry about his however has this is just a very short period which will not harm your job prospects at all. This particular period will only last for 2 or 3 months(according to what I can see in your current astral configuration) and will then be followed by a swift evolution for you on a professional level; your activity within your job will change slightly and you will also benefit from an important promotion.
As far as your feelings are concerned I have some excellent news for you. I will even go do far as to say that a very great change lies ahead of you in the matters of your heart because during the Transit which is rapidly approaching you are going to make a very significant encounter which is going to transform your life. I feel a great deal of excitement speaking to you about this as because I know that this event is going help you reach anew and exciting turning point in your life, most particularly in your love-life. I want to give you all of the necessary details so that you have all the elements that you need in hand when this important encounter takes place, I should mention that this encounter will occur in a very particular manner and it is going to be important that you react at a very precise moment in a very precise manner during very particular periods which are set to be very favorable towards your love-life...
To be a little more precise, the analysis of your astral configuration has shown me that it is during these periods that this most important encounter will take place. The periods I am talking about extend from the 20 January 2013 to the 25 January 2013 and also includes the later key date 27 January 2013. I told you that the encounter you are looking for will take place in a very particular manner and I can confirm that it will; your initial encounter will not take place in a physical manner. As a matter of fact it appears very clearly in your configuration that this encounter will take place through the Internet. I know that the Internet will play a major role in your life and not only as far as your love-life is concerned. I can be absolutely categoric about this because, as you may have already suspected, I have checked and double-checked this information and the dates of the period as it is essential that you know what you need to do and when you need to act and I wanted to be very very sure about this information before telling you about it.
This encounter will take place through the Internet, online, and the initial contact will be virtual. Your participation in all this is indispensable but don't worry because if you act during these favorable periods then your stars will do all the rest. You are going to have to be very present on the Internet during these periods and you must be very active, you must connect up to those areas of the web where people like yourself are also searching. I know that this is something you have thought about in the past (or it's even something which you have already tried) but to be honest with you it wasn't the right moment. You know as well as I do that we should act at exactly the right moment, the moment when the stars are 100% in our favor. And this moment will occur between the the 20 January 2013 and 25 January 2013 and also on the date 27 January 2013.
The reading I have done for you shows very clearly that it is through dating websites and date adverts that you all-important encounter will take place and this is why I insist so much on the fact that during this period you sign up to these type of websites. You are going to have to be as reactive as possible during these periods and I know that I repeat this to you over and over again through all of this report but this is simply because it is a very important point indeed. I want you to listen to your heart and to your intuition and to respond to all of the adverts which touch you in someway. Moreover from an astrological point of view it is obvious that during this period, and uniquely during this period, that a key moment will occur in your research. You must wait for this moment and it is useless to start signing up everywhere on the Internet now, the moment is not yet right and you will not have any great success. It is simply essential that you act during the periods I have told you about. I am now going to tell you exactly how you should proceed, how events will occur and also how you should prepare yourself and how this particular encounter will unfold.
You know that the important moments concerning this encounter will occur between the the 20 January 2013 and 25 January 2013 and you can expect the 27 January 2013 to be very important for you as well.
1) First of all lets analyze how you should now prepare yourself before these periods occur.
What I am now going to tell you is a lot more important than you may suspect because it is indispensable that you are perfectly well prepared for this encounter and that you are ready not only to meet this person but also to seduce this individual and found the basis of a strong and lasting relationship. So to help you with this I have prepared a character study for you which will bring you a wealth of information about yourself, this study is your complete Character Analysis.
I have already spoken to you about this character analysis but I want to remind you through this analysis that you can rediscover yourself and come fully to terms with your true value. This is the greatest gift that you could ever offer yourself. I want you to understand that you are someone special (and I told you this many times in my previous emails to you) , unique and important. There is no-one else like you on this Earth and you are irreplaceable. Your contribution to everything around you is important and I know that you are capable of offering a great deal to your chosen partner. I want you to understand yourself a little better so that you really take all of this into account and this is the major reason why I analyzed your character in a complete reading, a reading which is going to be very useful for you during the changes and the evolution which are soon to take place in your love life and in other aspects of your personal lifestyle.
Let's get back to the preparation you should start. After I finished your natal report I realized that several important points need to be addressed before this period gets underway.
a) Firstly (even if you don't entirely share my point of view) you are going to have to learn to have more confidence in yourself and to stop under-estimating yourself.
This is one of the keys to your success. This is a capitally important point, not just to help you make an important encounter within the realms of your love-life but also to help you meet just the right person. It is essential that you seize the difference between these two aspects. The person you need in your life is waiting for you during these important periods and I will give you some more details about this in the following section. You can believe me and trust in my experience as over the years I have received a great deal of requests from people looking for advice about their love-lives and I have heard over and over again that 'I married the first person who wanted to be with me because I was scared that I would never find anyone else again'. You must boost your confidence in yourself and extend the vision you have of yourself and of your self-esteem and you will then be able to meet the right person rather than just meet someone. Astrology is an extra-ordinary means of determining the trends of a particular period, the influences of particularly favorable moments and the choices which are available but each one of us remains the master of our own destinies. As a matter of fact this is what makes life so very interesting, nothing is yet written in stone and through astrology and other esoteric sciences we are able to correctly identify the particularly influential periods, the direction in which our choices can lead us and the strategy which we should adopt when meeting people and dealing with events. Bear in mind that astrology is a superb forecasting tool but it is you that remains the unique master of your own destiny.
So let's speak a little more about your preparation and your self-esteem. I have included a detailed character analysis for you which will help you come to terms with your true self because I suspect that during these periods you run the risk of loosing confidence in your own actions due to a lack of strong self-esteem. Sure, you will meet people online during this time and will get in contact with a number of interesting individuals but I don't want you ever to feel inferior or uncertain because this could negatively affect the outcome of your efforts. I don't want you to feel obliged to accept partners who are not really on the same level as you culturally, intellectually or even in terms of age. You will certainly feel more reassured with a inferior partner to your needs and I can see that you have made this kind of choice in the past because you had the impression to control the whole relationship a little better. You may have also felt that you didn't deserve anyone better and this is a real shame because I am sure that this kind of attitude will make you miss out on the encounter which I have foreseen for you during these periods.
b) Moreover you should make an effort to free yourself from the events of your past.
I know that you are currently living in a situation which the events of your past have forced you into living, this is shown very clearly in your astrological configuration. I know that you still have certain elements of your past firmly in mind and this is not a problem but you are going to have to make an effort to free yourself from certain elements of your past so that you are free to live new experiences and make new encounters. By liberating yourself you will also avoid making the same errors which you have made before and I can illustrate what I mean with a very simple example.
A short while ago I was visiting an aquarium with my family and my attention was drawn by a tortoise which was swimming gracefully in a large basin. What surprised me was that each time the tortoise passed in front of a particular point in the basin it banged it's head and front feet against the glass. This never seem to hurt it particularly but it always seemed a little surprised at the impact. As a matter of fact the tortoise endlessly repeated exactly the same actions at each new tour of the basin without really realizing what it was doing.
So you can see why it is so important for you to detach yourself from your past experiences, which have been enriching but the person who you will meet during these favorable periods (and I will go on to tell you more about this in just a minute) is so different from the people you have met in the past and is so different from the type of person your currently have in mind that you are going to have to react in a very different manner. I know what you are thinking now and let me reassure you... you are going to be very pleasantly surprised!
c) Free yourself from your doubts and fears.
Your character analysis helped me to determine what you are thinking at this time, what you are feeling and confirmed what I perceived about you right at the beginning. You are someone unique and this Transit will bring you a multitude of very positive changes but in order to get the best out of these changes you must evacuate certain doubts and fears which you have deep within you. Don't worry too much, each of us has our own personal fears and this is of course entirely normal but it is often important to learn how to free ourselves from our fears, most particularly in your case as I can see that your doubts are unfounded and simply represent barriers which you have set up in your own mind and which are pretexts for not going ahead with your ideas. A number of these fears are unconscious and I mention this aspect of your personality now because once these fears resurface into your conscious mind it will be a lot easier to deal with them and evacuate them properly.
Your most significant fear is a fear of engagement, you don't want to commit yourself to anything because you are afraid that things could one day go very wrong. I think that this stems from the fact that you let yourself get overwhelmed by an enormous amount of questions, the type of questions which most people answer together with their partner whenever they arise. Be confident in yourself, in your future and in your life. Nothing can be founded on fear. On the other hand we can build solid and strong foundations on powerful love and you can expect this type of strong partnership in the very near future.
You also seem to have a certain fear about your own freedom, even if you want above all to meet someone. I think that this may come from a fear you have of not being up to the challenge, you seem to be a little timid about all this but do not worry about this because I can also see that the person you are going to meet will also feel timid about your encounter. You need to examine this fear and ask yourself if it serves any good at all. It only brings a lack of confidence and under-estimation and to be honest these are two trends which affect a great deal of couples, you can see them around you every day. Self-confidence is the golden key to your success. Over this Transit period, and once you have fully assimilated all the guidance that this report has to offer, you will be amazed at the transformation you will experience.
d) Trust this Transit
You must trust this Transit completely as you must handle events in a very positive manner. Don't focus too much on the result, the may you go about this period and the methods you apply are much more important. To be honest, the best way of missing out on this encounter is to concentrate too much on each new contact you make, asking yourself whether THIS is the one for you. If you do this you will be stressed, annoyed and you risk dragging up emotions which will just make the whole process a lot more painful. In a word, detach yourself completely from the result (meeting the right person for you) and don't wonder too much about exactly where this person is hiding, just be confident in your destiny and in the powerful influences of this period. Don't forget that it is for this reason that I first contacted you because this Transit is set to change your entire future. Over this period the astral configuration will be strongly in your favor so you can allow yourself to act positively and go about things with detachment and hope. Your stars will guide you so let them do so.
2) During this period, and even afterwards, here is what you must do:
I will now get back to this period and will speak practically about what you need to do. Let me remind you that this period will run from the 20 January 2013 to 25 January 2013 and a very powerful date will occur for you on the 27 January 2013.
a) How you should act
In the previous section I told you how you should prepare yourself and now I am going to describe the manner in which you should act during the period when your astral influences will be at their most powerful. I have already told you, and you understand it now, that during this Transit you astral configuration will be extremely favorable and their action will be particularly powerful but this is not all. You need to be alert and active. I want you to keep one phrase in mind 'Just looking does not mean finding'. So many people never find what they are looking for because they are not determined enough and unfortunately for them, and despite a real desire to discover who their soul-mate really is, they don't give themselves the necessary means to find this person. I do not want you to become a part of this category and this is why you must start preparing yourself right away for this Transit. You need this psychological preparation so that you can search for and find the person you need in your life and to grab the occasion which this period is going to present to you. This determination of yours is going to have to go even further than just this period and you will soon understand why because I am going to explain it all to you in the following paragraph. You must reinforce your determination and your desire to reach your goals simply because this period requires you to be active even though the stars will be favorable towards you and offer you a unique occasion of chance and fortune. You will encounter certain obstacles during your research and you are going to have to try and get over them. Always bear in mind that this frame of mind is the one that will help you to transform your dreams into reality. This may seem a little childish but you must repeat to yourself over and over again 'I am going to find my soul-mate, I will find true love, my partner is waiting for me and this person is made for me'. Everything which man has established was once well thought out. It may seem that events happen a little randomly but this isn't the case, life falls neatly into place following certain strongly favorable moments and coincidence has very little to do with it. In short, cultivate your desire and your will to succeed.
Moreover you are going to have to be very persistent during this period and you will soon understand why. I will tell you about this aspect of your preparation in the next paragraph. You are going to have to make a great effort to reach your goals and this will go through several different stages.
Concerning the manner in which you must tackle things, I want to get back to something which I already spoke to you about further up but which I can never say often enough because when I did your analysis I realized that this point is extremely important for you. Break off with your past completely and get ready to move towards your future. This doesn't mean that you should forget everything, not at all as you should draw on certain of your past experiences. You simply need to empty your spirit so that you are ready to fill your mind with new experiences.
b) What is going to happen
I am now going to describe what events are going to occur in your astral skies. You are first going to live through an intense moment of preparation (I have already spoken to you about this). Then on the 20 January 2013 your Transit will begin and you will enter into an intensely favorable period (but don't expect dramatic changes at 12.01am on the 20 January 2013, you must be patient and await the gradual changes). Then you will see the dates I have told you about come around, between the 20 January 2013 and 25 January 2013 and then on the key date 27 January 2013. You must wait for these periods with a very particular frame of mind (see above) and you now know why you must be active and decisive. Always keep in your mind that you will harvest the fruits of your labors later on. This is now what I want to tell you about.
c) When this encounter will occur
I want to be very clear and honest with you concerning this particular aspect of your analysis because I don't want any confusions or misunderstandings to crop up. During the dates I have told you about (the 20 January 2013 to the 25 January 2013 and then 27 January 2013, you are going to enter into contact with a number of people because you will be very active and because you will be living through a very favorable period astrologically and romantically. Your 'proposal' (to use a very business -like term) will also be seen by a great deal of people among which your soul-mate is also to be found. You may not realize this straight away but you will very soon after. In other words, I would say that between the 20 January 2013 and 25 January 2013 you will get into contact with your future partner, even if you don't realize this straight away (as you will also contact a range of other people) and it won't be until a little later than you will be able to refine your research and harvest the fruits of your labors. One person will then stand out from all of your contacts and it will be this person who will be your future partner. Astrologically I can see that the encounter will happen between the 20 January 2013 and 25 January 2013 or on the 27 January 2013. Events will then move along quite naturally and it is at this moment too that you must be persevering because your dreams will start to come true little by little and over a certain amount of time.
d) What you must do during this period.
This is very simple and I can sum this up in one single phrase which I have repeated to you over and over again:
I am absolutely convinced that after all of the analysis I have done that this encounter that you are waiting for will first take place online, even though later on a real physical contact will be made. The first time you will meet the person with whom you are going to make a new fresh start in your love-life will be via the Internet.
I'm sure that you can now see all of the interest of this report because imagine that during this particular period you are not at all connected online... the aim of this reading is to understand WHERE, WHEN and HOW. This means you get the information you need to be in the right place at the right time and to act in the right manner. Astrology helps us to get as much knowledge and chance over onto our side as possible and limits possibility of pure hazard.
To get back to what you should do during this period, as I have already said you need to be online and active. As this encounter will take place online you must exploit any new paths that this medium brings you. Here are the most interesting paths that you will come across, as far as I can see in your reading.
- It seems that one if these paths is likely to be a very large dating website. As I have said I can't tell you exactly which one this is but according to what I can see the person you will meet has already signed up to this website. I can see a notion of heavy traffic, it seems that this site is not just specialized in dating, this could be a web portal which proposes many other services as well. I can also see that this is a web site which you have already visited and which you know quite well. I must mention at this point that the details I am now giving you and which could make all the difference for you during this period do not come from astrology but come instead from my psychic concentration about you.
- Don't worry too much about this website as your configuration will be so favorable during this Transit that you will be directed and guided towards it. Just leave your intuition free to work, it will not betray you and will lead you in just the right direction. As a matter of fact it is very difficult to say whether or not you will enter into contact with this person or whether this person will enter into contact with YOU. What is certain is that once you feel that you are on the right website you need to sign up with your profile and you must actively look at all the other members. The person you will encounter is not exactly the type of person which you have in mind (don't worry though you will not be disappointed!) and so you may not recognize this person straight away. This is one of the reasons why you need to contact as many people as possible, multiply the contacts you make and later you can sort through them and the person who will be closest to your heart will stand out quite clearly. Be objective about your choices but don't turn down contacts without first considering them, even just a little.
e) How to recognize your partner
From an astrological point of view it is impossible to produce an accurate description of this person and no professional astrologer can do this for you. What I can tell you is that you need to let your heart and intuition speak for themselves. I know that something different will happen within you when this person crops up and you will feel this difference. I can see that your relationship will be built up on an intense and rapid mutual attraction. As I have said, it is important to let time work it's magic because after this powerful first impression only time will confirm this impression. I can see that your encounter will take place in several stages, the initial encounter will be brief and then you will both get back into contact again later on (and it will be up to you to take the initiative) and without you really realizing it the relationship will build up and intensify. After a little while during which all your contact will be established 'virtually' you will set up a real encounter. This encounter quite clearly takes place after the period between 20 January 2013 and 25 January 2013. It will be up to you to choose the meeting place and you should choose a place where you feel at ease because this first 'physical' encounter will be decisive. Just be yourself during this encounter, this will be the most important factor. Don't ask yourself too many questions, you will react instinctively to events and things will happen quite naturally.
f) What your partner expects from you
I was able to determine what your partner expects from you by analyzing your astral configuration and in the area of your Zodiac which deals with feelings and your love-life. I am now going to tell you what I discovered because I think that this will reinforce your relationship together and help you to establish a firm foundation. Your partner will share the same opinion as you and will be someone looking to create a good, solid relationship. This person will expect a great deal of consideration from you and why not! This will be someone who will be interested in you and your life, who will pay you a great deal of attention and who will treat you diplomatically. All you need to do is to give the same in return. This person will be very open, with very few pre-conceived ideas and you are going to have to make an effort to get rid of some of your older and staler ideas. Appearances will not be very important to this individual, their gaze will go much deeper than this. I can see that discourse and dialogue will play important roles in your relationship and in this area you are going to have to accept certain concessions because this person doesn't seem to be someone who reveals their secrets very easily. This is going to have to be something to watch during your relationship together.
It seems that your new partner will be very sensitive about the attention you offer so don't try to be the person that shines most brightly in your couple. Try instead to listen to the aspirations of this person and respect their goals. If you have any doubts at all about how you should proceed, communicate with your partner. Communication is the golden key to your healthy couple. Your new partner is quite clearly someone with a very rich and interesting personality. As I mentioned above, this is someone kind, diplomatic, loyal, trustworthy and reliable.
g) How to get through the different stages of your relationship and consolidate your new couple
I am going to quickly go back over the points I mentioned above. The notion of communication will be a central point of your relationship and you should always make this one of your priorities because I can see that this will be the way in which your couple will survive the test of time. A lack of communication could be damaging for you both. The other strong theme which crops up is concession. You must accept certain things about your partner, trust them in certain ways and offer them the liberty they require. You can invest this trust because I can see that this person will not lie or betray you.
You should also be more reactive than you have been in your previous relationships, not just faster to react but also more ready to listen at the right moment. As I have told you, this person will be very sensitive about the attention you offer. One final point which also seems to be important is that I think you need to learn to control your emotions a little better and don't always react according to the events you experience. Ask yourself what your partner could be feeling.
At any rate, I really want you to understand that as far as I can see in the configuration of your Zodiac, joy and happiness are very strongly attached to this person and to the relationship you establish together.
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